I've been tagged by diane!, so I guess I must fill this out! :)
here are the rules:
• Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
• Don't forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog
1* Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk ice cream is the death of me.
2* i must always have some form of lip balm on me otherwise i go crazy if my lips are ever dry.
3* i am obsessed with shopping and all the latest fashions...i am a fashion whore.
4* Since 5th grade i've had glasses...but I don't like them very much. I wear contacts every day otherwise i'd be blind.
5* I'm moving to Center Moriches in June...because we just got a house! =] 15 minutes from the Hamptons.
6* I love my cats....A cat will always be a part of my life. They give you unconditional love, and they always listen and never talk back. They know when you're sad, upset, or sick...and always stay by your side.
7* i really do love my b/f a whole lot. he's the best and he makes me a better person every single day.